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Body-Part 2-

3. Hiroshima Military Hospital Monument

Hiroshima Military Hospital Monument

War always brings hospitals,
Unlimitedly produced patients.
Sweat of the curers never dried off,
Even hands extended to help were burned
The day when fiery winds blew over the ruins.


Hiroshima Military Hospital Monument

Since the Military Hospital was located close to the hypocenter, many hospital staff and patients died in the bombing. The surviving staff members, volunteers, and some bereaved families founded the Hiroshima Military Hospital A-bombed Victims Memorial Association and erected the monument on August 6, 1955, commemorating the 10th A-bomb anniversary. It stands on the site where the hospital was located, using the stone gatepost as the monument and the garden stones as the pedestal.

Location : Moto-machi, Naka-ku

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